
Problemas con carga y descarga de datos

March 15, 2019, 9:26 a.m.

En las últimas semanas se han producido algunos problemas con la carga y descarga de datos, especialmente de mapas. Si Ud. no puede descargar algún archivo, agradeceremos nos lo informe a ssteiniger[arroba]uc.cl

paises latin americanos

  • Title: paises latin americanos
  • Abstract:

    Polygonos de Paises Latin Americanos derivado de datos "Natural Earth", escala 1:10'000'000

  • Publication Date: Nov. 7, 2014, 10:51 a.m.
  • Type: Vector Data
  • Keywords: polygonos Natural Earth Latin America paies
  • Category: Boundaries
  • Owner: stefanS
  • Point of Contact: stefanS
More info
  • Restrictions: public domain
  • Edition: Nov 2014
  • Purpose:

    para visualisacion cartografica

  • Language: English
  • Supplemental Information:

    from http://www.naturalearthdata.com/ (Aug 2008)

  • Spatial Representation Type: vector data is used to represent geographic data
Attribute Name Range Average Median Standard Deviation
The_Geom NA
Homepart -29.00 1.00 45.83
Tiny -66.14 -99.00 47.90
Abbrev_Len 5.38 5.00 1.87
Long_Len 11.84 9.00 7.25
Name_Len 10.36 9.00 5.01
Region_Wb NA
Subregion NA
Region_Un NA
Continent NA
Adm0_A3_Wb -99.00 -99.00 0.00
Adm0_A3_Un -99.00 -99.00 0.00
Adm0_A3_Us NA
Adm0_A3_Is NA
Woe_Id -99.00 -99.00 0.00
Wb_A3 NA
Wb_A2 NA
Un_A3 NA
Iso_N3 NA
Iso_A3 NA
Iso_A2 NA
Fips_10 NA
Wikipedia -95.04 -99.00 19.40
Income_Grp NA
Economy NA
Gdp_Year -12.84 -99.00 412.23
Lastcensus 1501.80 2005.50 899.58
Pop_Year 29.30 -99.00 499.68
Gdp_Md_Est 124153.77 4839.50 358637.21
Pop_Est 11751722.82 395211.50 32137070.15
Mapcolor13 1.80 5.00 20.85
Mapcolor9 4.22 4.00 2.20
Mapcolor8 3.74 4.00 1.86
Mapcolor7 3.48 3.00 1.93
Name_Alt NA
Name_Sort NA
Note_Brk NA
Note_Adm0 NA
Formal_Fr NA
Formal_En NA
Postal NA
Abbrev NA
Brk_Group NA
Brk_Name NA
Brk_A3 NA
Name_Long NA
Name NA
Brk_Diff 0.08 0.00 0.27
Su_A3 NA
Geou_Dif 0.00 0.00 0.00
Subunit NA
Adm0_A3 NA
Su_Dif 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gu_A3 NA
Geounit NA
Admin NA
Type NA
Level 2.00 2.00 0.00
Adm0_Dif 0.30 0.00 0.46
Sov_A3 NA
Sovereignt NA
Labelrank 4.78 5.00 1.60
Featurecla NA
Scalerank 1.72 1.00 1.93
The_Geom NA

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