- Title: Predios La Serena - 2015
Predios de la municipalidad La Serena.
- Publication Date: Oct. 27, 2015, 4:40 p.m.
- Type: Vector Data
- Keywords: predios cediz
- Category: Planning Cadastre
- Regions: Chile
- License: Dominio Publico
- Owner: stefanS
- Point of Contact: stefanS
- Edition: Oct 2015
Cartografia Basica.
- Language: Spanish
Supplemental Information:
Datos de proyecto CEDIZ (Ministerio de Economía), por SNIT Chile: http://www.ide.cl/noticias/noticias/item/ide-dispone-informacion-territorial-de-division-de...
- Spatial Representation Type: vector data is used to represent geographic data
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