- Title: Red de vias en Chile
Red vial de Chile digitalizado en OpenStreetMap (OSM) - tal vez no completa
- Publication Date: Jan. 9, 2015, 12:56 p.m.
- Type: Vector Data
- Keywords: Chile OSM roads carreteras rutass vias
- Category: Transportation
- Regions: Chile
- Owner: stefanS
- Point of Contact: stefanS
- Maintenance Frequency: Data Is Updated Every Year
- Restrictions: Open Database 1.0 License
- Edition: enero 2015
como informacion topografica, y para analisis espacial
- Language: English
- Data Quality: probablemente datos incompleto - por estado de digitalisacion
Supplemental Information:
bajado de http://download.geofabrik.de/osm/south-america/chile-150108.shp.zip
- Spatial Representation Type: vector data is used to represent geographic data
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